Dimples in the chin which are often seen as little crevices or lines when talking or chewing are caused by an overactive mentalis muscle. Treatment with Botox® helps to soften these lines and crevices by reducing the activity of this muscle. This is considered “off-label” use.
A double chin can be treated with Kybella® which is a prescription medication called deoxycholic acid. It was approved by the FDA in 2015 for treatment of fullness in the area under the chin. After numbing with topical anesthetic cream, Kybella® is injected into the excess fat under the chin to allow breakdown and absorption of the fat. Treatment requires multiple visits (usually at least 3 to 4 visits) approximately 4 to 6 weeks apart to achieve your desired goal. Noticeable swelling after each treatment can last one to two weeks, then mild swelling is present for an additional three to four weeks. Treatment is tailored to your individual needs.
A “weak” chin may be the result of loss of fat with aging or weight loss and may also be related to a less prominent jaw bone. Sometimes soft tissue deficiency from fat loss gives a depressed appearance to the mid chin or mental crease. Injectable fillers or Sculptra® can be used to “build up” the areas to soften or correct the depression or to give a bit more prominence to the chin. Juvederm® Voluma XC was recently approved by the FDA for chin augmentation.